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A Note of Thanks

S. McAllister

On October 31, 2024, Wayne Uplift Resource Association, Inc. held an event in honor and recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The event was held at our office location which is 1112 East Ash Street, Goldsboro, NC.

A Memory Tree was on display in the reception area. The tree is covered in butterflies and each butterfly represents a life lost to domestic violence in North Carolina from January 1, 2024 through September 30, 2024. The tree is a great visual tool as it is quite full and helps to bring this unfortunate reality to light. We must touch hearts and move people to action to help put an end to domestic violence.

Event guests were encouraged to tour the facility, speak with staff to gain knowledge and insight into our program, learn about the history of our agency, and there were also numerous ways to engage while in attendance, including games for a chance to win a prize. One of the games was "Guess How Many" where attendees could guess how many beans were packed into a jar (the magic number was 1933). Delicious food was offered to our guests from the food truck and soothing, live music was played throughout the event. Thank you Justo's Grillin for satisfying our tastebuds and thank you Tommy Evans and Neil Dickerson for entertaining our souls.

A donation tree was set up which has 'shooting stars' on it. Each star lists items needed for a child or adult. The attendees had the opportunity to pick a star, purchase the items, and return them to Wayne Uplift for distribution to our clients. There are a few left on the tree, if you would be interested in helping with this cause, please feel free to stop by the office and pick a star. The items will need to be returned to our office by December 6th.

We kicked off the holiday gift basket raffle at the event. Tickets are $5 each and will be available through 12 noon on December 13th. Please stop by the office and purchase your ticket(s) to help with this fundraiser.

A lot of work went into putting this event together and each of you who attended helped to make it a success. We truly appreciate your attendance and support.



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